China Glaze has heard our pleas to bring back a classic collection... The Wizard of Ooh Ahz is back!
According to China Glaze, the original collection was released in 2001, so it's been quite a while. They've planned the (re)release to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz movie... A movie that scared the crap out of me as a child... And still does, actually. >.>;;
Anyway... on to the important part. The pictures! They're a little blurry, so enlarge them to view as much detail as possible.

C-C-Courage. A frosty blue-purple shimmer base with pinkish-purple and silvery-purple microglitter. My picture isn't accurate- it's not as blue as this in real life. That whole 'cameras hate purple' thing. But it's not entirely off, either. This new version seems a lot more dense, glittery and opaque than the original, but the color is the same. This is one of the two originals I have, so I did a comparison:

The original C-C-Courage in sunlight and indoors.

Index and ring finger: C-C-Courage 2009
Middle and pinkie: C-C-Courage 2001
The original is more sheer and has a little bit of pink frost to it. The new version is much more dense compared to the original.

Cowardly Lyin'. A soft yellowy gold frost with tiny gold microglitter. Really soft looking- the combination of light, airy gold with tiny, tiny gold glitter gives it a delicate look. I also have the original Cowardly Lyin' and they're pretty close:

Cowardly Lyin' in the sunlight. Sun pulls all the warm tones out and makes it look kind of orangey, but indoors it looks less warm and a little more yellow.

Index and ring finger: Cowardly Lyin' 2009
Middle and pinkie: Cowardly Lyin' 2001.
The shades aren't entirely 100% exact matches, one is lighter than the other, but close enough that I wouldn't notice unless I knew they were different editions.

Dorothy Who? Medium blue jelly base with blue and silver glitter. Whoa. That's all I can say. Speechless. Too beautiful for words.

Good Witch? Soft, light pink frost with tiny light pink microglitter. Very girly, very soft. Not really my thing, but I can appreciate a pretty polish when I see one.

Ruby Pumps. Red jelly with sparkly red glitter. I've covered this one a few times before, but it's as lovely as ever. A classic.

The Ten Man. Light white-silver frost with silver microglitter. I'm not sure I get the name... Ten man... It's silver... is it dimes? Dimes are silver and they're ten cents? Ten fingers? Ten toes? No idea. This actually reminds me of the new Zoya Astra ultraglitter... or should I say Astra reminds me of this? The glitter in The Ten Man is smaller and there's less of it, though.
(Edit: Yes, I know that the Tin Man is one of the characters, I'm not
that lame! Hahaha! But that's why I don't get the name! Ten Man? Some sort of play on words I'm not understanding?)
The formula was a little tricky- runny but thick. It takes a little care to apply these nicely. Since they're sort of frosty, you have to be careful with your brush strokes as well. I'd recommend letting them dry at least a minute or two in between coats so they'll apply more smoothly. Also, the glitter in the frosty base can look kinda bumpy, so these really benefit from a thick glossy topcoat.
I think it's awesome that China Glaze listened to all the polish fans and brought back this collection. I love Dorothy Who and I'm so happy that I can actually own what was once an unattainable wish... But I do have to say that while the polishes are very pretty, I'm not totally head over heels in love with them. I don't care for frost-finish polishes, though the glitter in these does make them wearable. I only wish that these were all jelly bases like Dorothy Who and Ruby Pumps instead of frosts.
Really, though... it's crazy awesome that China Glaze brought back a discontinued collection just because we told them we wanted it. That's an exciting thought. Companies who listen to their fans! Old polish being re-released! So cool!!